Putting My (Design) Cards on the Table


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About the Session

Join artist Arynlei as she unwraps the narrative design layers of her viral At the Table playing cards. Learn how her passion project turned commercial success used real stories and education across cultures to tap into a communal longing for IRL connection, create portals for viewer participation, and win an audience’s emotional investment. To bring everything together, Arynlei will also share her top Illustrator tips and workflows for creating storytelling designs.

In this project’s origin story and deep dive, you’ll find:

  • How embracing the warm and fuzzies of nostalgia birthed a fan base
  • An ode to Easter Eggs — how design intention keeps viewers’ attention
  • Illustrator tips and tricks that earn “my mind is blown” comments on social media

Technical Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Category: Inspiration

Track: Graphic Design and Illustration

Audience: Graphic Designer, Illustrator

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