[music] [Elliot Sedegah] So, hello everyone. I'm Elliot Sedegah, product marketing for Adobe Firefly. So, I'm so excited to be here today. You asked for this. You asked for, how do you apply Generative AI with business? Many of us work for larger companies, smaller companies, creativity and the content is at the heart of how we communicate with our customers. So, we're pulling together a great session today here. So, I have some amazing speakers who are going to be joining us today. We have our demo artist, Ben Vanderberg, for example, who is going to be showing off some amazing technology with Firefly Services. We have Michael Dobell, who's leading creativity and innovation at Monks. And they've engaged with many different clients and they're infusing Generative AI into the core creative process of how they deliver content to clients. So, we're going to learn a lot today. So, if you love demos, you love hearing about the best practices and things like that nature, you're in the right place.
Of course, you're going to have a boring slide here. So, you know, we're going to be showing a lot of new innovation. So, we'll go right past this slide, and talk about some of the opportunity that we've seen. We've all seen this massive opportunity with Generative AI.
It's a massive opportunity for us to accelerate creative workflows. We all know that's very close to our customers in terms of what we can do to personalize customer experiences. Every one of us, likely in this room, are feeling and seeing the same thing.
But only 24% of us have connected Generative AI to our core, massive digital transformation initiatives. We're probably using it already or experimenting it within Photoshop or doing some smaller projects here and there. But have we truly transformed? Have we truly embraced the technology? I know it's coming at an incredible pace. But what can we do to tap into that? Because we've seen the benefits. In many cases, we've seen 10x, 15x, 20x in terms of gains and productivity. What's that doing? It's unlocking the power for us to do more. because we know the demands from our customers, our clients. They're asking for so much more in terms of content and creativity and engaging experiences. So with that, there's a couple of things that we've learned from our engagements with you. And we have to thank many of you. I know some of you have been partnering with us over the last 18 months to build incredible solutions. And we've been hearing you and incorporating that. But there's some things that are in your control. First is putting creativity and brand at the center of the digital transformation.
Generative AI gives us the possibility to create a massive amount of content. But there's something that's unique to your brand experience, your brand identity, your brand voice, by infusing that into the process from the beginning.
We know that consumers that engage with our content and with our customers, they're less likely to engage if they don't trust the content that's coming out. And your brand identity, your brand history, is a core part of that.
Second, we know speed is your competitive advantage.
The world is moving at an incredible pace. Content is getting created at a faster pace. The ability to create personalized experiences right at our fingertips. Speed is your competitive advantage. So how quickly can you adopt the technology? How quickly can you put those into existing workflows and get content out to market as fast as possible. If you're looking at that animation, yes, I did edit these slides using Firefly's video model. I can't stop playing with this stuff. It's amazing.
So today, we're going to talk about Firefly Services. So for those of you not as familiar, Firefly Services are a comprehensive collection of Generative AI and creative capabilities for asset production at scale.
I often talk to many of you in design and production and you're saying, what we're being asked for is really hard to do. We need to scale up our production. So we're doing that. We're looking at different ways to eliminate highly manual or repetitive work, through scale production. We also know that we're in a business environment. We need to integrate into many different workflows and different experiences all while doing it and maintaining high quality and control.
Here's what some of our customers are doing in Firefly Services. Firefly Services, you can use to localize assets, personalize assets, personalize videos, and refresh campaigns incredibly quickly. So with that, I'm introducing Ben Vanderberg to the stage, our demo artist. He's going to talk about what our customers are doing with Firefly Services, and of course, we're going to do a demo. Go Ben, take it away. [Ben Vanderberg] Awesome. Hello everybody.
How many of you have used Firefly already? Come on. I want every single hand by the end of this conference to be using Firefly. All right. So what I'm going to be showing you today is some of the cool things that we can use with Firefly Services, helping streamline, automate many different repetitive, redundant tasks at scale. And to do this, we're going to use a fictional brand here that I have called Sevoi, which does all sorts of beauty products, stunning. Well, clearly I've not done my nails. But if I wanted to, this would definitely be the brand that I would use. So the problem is, just look at all the different products that I have in here. A lot of different product images. And the thing is, we need to create a lot of different content for social media. We need to create it for banner ads. We need to create it for print.
And that's a lot of different products that we need to produce that for. But the other problem is, is that also all of these are also different languages. So now we have to multiply that. So let's say I have a number of different templates here. Look, we have, say, six, seven different templates. Great. I drop in a product and some information into there. Fantastic. And then I have to do that again for the next product. And the next product. And when I think that's done, then I have to do it for German. And French. And Spanish. And there's these other templates that are in this other size. It starts to get complicated, and often thousands and thousands. And then it gets even worse, because then I have to say, oh, Oh, well, actually, no, that's now getting stale. We need new content. And we need fresh content. So that is the problem. That is the math problem that we're trying to solve today. So here we have a number of different templates, if I swipe on over here we have, inside a Photoshop, a number of different templates. We see our product. We see this background generated with Firefly. And we'll see a little bit of how that's done. We have ones for some banners. And we also have a 16x9. Now you'll notice this is all winter themed. And I will do this all for winter and only then realize I got to do it all again for Valentine's Day and all again for spring and so forth.
So, let's make this a little easier. This, all these different files inside of Photoshop are templates. I'm going to use these with Firefly Services to trigger that off. And so to start that here, what we're going to do is for the background, the way that those backgrounds are created is how many people have used style references? And structure references in Firefly? Okay. Take your pencil, write it down as homework to check that out inside of Firefly because it's epicly amazing.
So in here, we have these different images like the splashes in here. These are going to be used as what are called structure references or composition references inside Firefly. It's going to tell it where to put certain parts of the image. And then we also have the image here, which is like this purple, this red, this blue. This is a style reference. Inside Firefly, you can use that to pull, I like to say, the vibe of the image, the style, the color, and those sorts of things and bring that out and blend those together. Now, the other thing that we also have is a lot of different prompts, a lot of different variations in here. And so what we're going to do is we're going to take this sort of data, we're going to take those different styles, our templates, and bring it all together to generate some new content. And we're going to do that through an automated workflow. And so let's just go back here. Let's make sure that is all right. So what that is going to be doing is it's going to take all that information from the data systems. It's going to then first send it to Firefly to generate those new backgrounds. And instead of doing it one by one, typing it in, it's going to do it in bulk. So let's have a quick look at what that looks like. So if I go back into here, I'm going to refresh the screen here. And this is actually going to be happening in real time here as we can see. For Valentine's Day, we have a lot of just images. It's just generating a whole bunch of different variations based on my different prompts inside of there. So let's go in and have a look at some of these. It's taking the combination of those splashes, as well as a prompt that was saying, I want hearts and those sorts of vibes, along with the red, bringing those together. So now I have a fresh set of backgrounds that I can choose from, to see which ones I like, which ones I don't like. Oh, that's kind of cool with the background with the living room there for Valentine's Day. All sorts of different vibes. It's kind of neat. So the great thing about this is that I'm doing this inside of things like Frame.io. So it's making the connection to automatically take those images that are generated, push that into Frame.io. So now this is great because I can use this to say, hmm, maybe I kind of like this one. I can go ahead and approve this one. And I can go to the next one, approve the next one. So instead of spending time going and trying to figure out what's the right prompt, typing it and going, no, that's not right. What's the right prompt? Instead, I could do a whole bunch of different images generate a variety of things. And now my role changes, because how many of you have gone to a restaurant and went, I don't know, but I'll know that I want that food when I see it. That looks good. I want that. It's kind of like that sometimes as an artist. You're like, I don't know exactly what I want, but I know when I like something here and I want to do that. So that's the great thing about this is that instead of spending time going and manually trying to create one at a time, I can create a whole bunch of ideas and then choose and pick and curate the ones that I like to go forward. Alright, so we created a whole bunch of backgrounds, and that's the power of Firefly being able to do that, but now I want to get the final results. I want to get this into things that are actually useful, practical. So what I can also do is have that automated workflow start creating things and pushing it directly into Photoshop. So it's taking those backgrounds, taking those products, taking those images, bringing them all together. So now as we look inside of here, it's doing it at scale that it's taking now the product image, dropping that into there, taking the background, putting the background inside of there, but not just in one format. It is doing it in a variety of different formats. So let's go into here and let's have a look at some of the different varieties. In this, great, beautiful, kind of "winter holidays," has some of the trees in the background on that, looks kind of neat. Again, kind of a little bit of the pine trees. This one is a little bit more of the blue style, but again, we're getting all sorts of fresh variety that we can choose from. And not only that, it can also take that and change all the language. You'll notice that the actual language can also change so you know, "Angebot," German. So you can have all those different varieties there. So now, instead of doing that manually, now I can create thousands of different variations, fresh and ready for me to be able to pass, for me to be able to push out there. But, so now I've solved my web problem. I've solved my ad banner problem. Finally, the other thing is I also want print too. So I can take my Photoshop templates. I can put those and create a variety of different variations as we can see here. But what I also want is to be able to take my InDesign designs for, say, different posters. Because depending on whether I'm in New York or I'm in Berlin or I'm in London, I want different posters that have different sizes. And I want to create those different variations. And I can do exactly that creating templates inside of InDesign. So I can then take that. I can create using the data merge inside of InDesign. I can have it put different template fields inside of there. And through our cloud automated workflow, then push all the information in there. So now, if I look back inside of here, not only did it create all the banners that were for the web, all the social media content, but now it's created all of the different posters and different sizes, for 24x36, 11x17, etc. And not only that, make sure that they're all print ready with crop marks and everything. So you can push directly to the printer. So we have all the different varieties of content created, cross-platform, omni-channel. And my job is so much simpler because I've created all those different varieties. Is this kind of cool? Is this kind of cool? All right, cool. So that is Firefly Services. Being able to take any of your different creative content in Photoshop, in InDesign and so forth. Be able to take those, automate that at scale through automated workflows, and be able to then create all the different variations that Elliot was talking about for a variety of different use cases, whether it's for this, for things like e-commerce, or different variations that you need. It's unbelievable how many different variations you can make. So with that, what I'm going to do is I'm going to pass it back to Elliot, who's going to take us to the next thing. But thank you very much.
Thanks, Ben. That was amazing. Firefly Services. So if you think about that, what are we doing? We've taken a lot of our Generative AI technology, our creative technology, made those available as services. So you can implement and do amazing things like that. I know we're all being asked to do more. This is the path to do more. So next, I have a very special person to introduce to the stage, Michael Dobell, Executive Vice President of Innovation for Monks. So Michael, come to the stage. Michael has been partnering with Adobe since the early days of Firefly to help us reimagine what these possible workflows could be while doing some amazing things for our clients. So Michael, take it away. [Michael Dobell] Thanks very much. I'm going to need that. Thanks, everybody. Yeah, really appreciate that, Elliot and Ben. Thanks for inviting me here to talk about what real clients are doing in the real world today. And really one of the things we talked about a lot as we were putting this presentation together is sharing not just the opportunities for speed and scale but also really unleashing your teams and elevating those beautiful brains. There's a lot going on right now, and there's a lot going on within the building that I work in every day, and every day it sort of scales out. But I'll be the first to tell you that this stuff is hard. And we know because we've taken the time and effort to do our own internal transformations while also helping our clients along that journey as well.
And it really is. It's about restructuring both your mindset and many other things. And we see three lessons really getting played out over and over. The first is a lesson around vision. The other is a lesson about process and a third about tooling. So, you know, whether it's creating the focus with your team to plot a course, or just to rally a team, this is really the most important place that great organizations are starting. There's so many opportunities for implementation of these tools and technologies. And so getting square on which opportunity we're going to address is job number one. Whether that's, hey, how are we going to accelerate the production of assets from photography through to a PDP page for a single SKU or whether or not it's looking at an entire portfolio of brands. Providing that focus is job number one.
The second is the process lesson. How the work gets done is as important as setting that clear focus, and managing that change can be really tough. You know, a lot of organizations are structured by necessity in this way. And getting to a place where our people are curators rather than gatekeepers, where outcomes are valued over ceremony. And where searching for information no longer takes up most of people's time. I think you know the tools and the technologies that get you there. But you know, helping to set that as the direction for the organization and doing the change management to get there helps you get to a place where more people are spending time on the quality of their product, working on the quality of the product that they output rather than on how they're getting that product made.
And then finally there's this tooling lesson. And despite a couple of decades of digital transformation, people are still often filling those gaps between those tools that were supposed to make life easier. And so the lesson is really to finally elevate those beautiful brains. And you know, I think Ben just showed off some incredible automations and APIs that, you know, do that job. And thinking about that more broadly within the organization and how how Gen AI fits into that tooling mix as a whole is super super important.
Right. So the work that I'm sharing with you today is from clients that have applied some of these lessons and started that momentum. Typically they're empowering small, smart teams to nibble at the problem, knowing that these nibbles can become bites, become meals, and from that become really healthy organizations who can achieve more.
So a lot of these successful organizations are thinking of themselves in two parts. First there's the brand lab. And second is the content factory. The brand lab is the part of the organization that creates the breakthrough in the know. This is where innovation happens. This is where Firefly Services are creating new experiences for your customers. And the content factory delivers that bulk content production that finally matches the precision of our data and our content placement capabilities.
It's been a decade where we've had access to incredibly high fidelity information about our customers and an ability to target really really precisely. But content has just been too darn expensive. And these sorts of tools that we're hearing all about a hundred thousand times today and yesterday are the ones that are making that possible. But it's together this mindset of the brand and the content factory working in tandem. that really starts to create a flywheel. I'm going to talk about the content factory first. The purpose of the content factory is really self evident. It's to generate more personalized scalable assets globally while reducing costs and improving time to market. And to make those improvements in cost and time to market every single day. I think this is a really important thing. It's not like we switch over onto these tools and we have a one-time gain. These are compounding gains. And it's a really really exciting time.
So this is what we're doing for one of the world's largest automakers.
We're reinventing the way content is created and distributed through a software-differing content factory. So these are scalable systems that we're creating for GM. And they call us our foundational agency. We're orchestrating that multi-brand portfolio that they have and delivering that content at scale in partnership with their other agencies. It's a simple concept. The economy of scale that we provide can deliver that. But it's simple with an asterisk because it takes a bit to put it together. We have an automated production pipeline that creates car and scenery combinations. Then we adapt to every channel. So we're transcreating for variants, formats, and regions. I always like to use the word variants rather than volume because words matter. It's not about just creating a volume, 500,000 assets. It's about creating the variants that matches up with and respects the diversity of your customers. So we look into that. And then we play out that media.
We learn about its usage and then we harmonize the ins and outs. And then underpinning that all is the data science that builds and evolves this flywheel. So that's a little bit about GM. The content factory is powerful most crucially because it is connected.
And it's the connectivity that allows us to deliver against the most pressing needs of marketers today. Scale, pace, variants, again. And so let's take a little look at scale. This is a very bright green. I hope your eyes are okay.
So 300.
That's a number.
And 300 is the number of assets. The minimum number of assets it takes for the algorithms to do their job.
What does that mean? Well, typically a brand will issue 20 to 30 pieces of unique creative to say the Meta algorithm or one of the others to serve up against their audiences. But it's two to three hundred that are considered the new platform minimums. So how do you do that? And what do you get when you do that? Well, when you do that, using tools and technology like Ben just described, you get incredible business outcomes. We shared this a few months ago, but it's work we did with a fast fashion brand where we took a simple studio shoot on white and we transcreated it and created these variants, created a lifestyle imagery. And we saw a 66% improvement in return on their ad spend. So it really is a pretty magical and simple thing. And it's a great place to start. It's a place where I really recommend starting because it can just get you over that first hump to just get started.
Yeah, I mean, there's power in going from a white background to lifestyle in and of itself. We know that that performs better. And then when you do that and you do it regionally to provide locally-relevant lifestyle, you get really inarguable results in their ad spend. The content factory also needs to provide speed. Speed to match the pace of culture.
These same tools and techniques are way, way faster as you can imagine. Speed boosts of 50% or more. But they also come alongside big boosts in click-through rate, like 80%, which is bonkers.
And this speed and quality uptick means that small and medium-sized businesses can compete like bigger ones. And this is going to change the landscape.
Again, these are just simple and effective results. CMOs like the one at Hatch say nice things about us. So we have to have a slide like that. But what I love about what Eric had to say, he went on to say that this approach is actually amplifying his team's mission to bring craftsmanship, speed, and a sense of relevance and culture to their marketing. And that's really that elevation of the team that I really care about. And designing a content factory is not just about the assets themselves, it's about what you do with them and how you track them. There's been some great talks today about content credentials, and this is really worth looking into. So you got to create that audit trail to understand which work is effective, how it's created upticks or not with your brand. And whether or not and what tools and models were used over time. This last bit is really important, especially given the pace of legislative change.
So the content factory is transcreation transformed by providing a focus on results by liberating people and integrating processes. But it's amazing, it's what it does for your customer that creates the real impact by making the work more personal and more connected to what people care about. And the work of the brand lab is to deepen these connections and that kind of impact. I think it's where the magic happens. It's also kind of where I come from as an executive producer.
Well, I'm not an executive producer anymore, but I try to act like one.
So from the brand lab, we get more insights. We get more access to data so that our strategists and our designers can get a better understanding of their customer. From the lab, we get an ability to wrap up any test ideas, get them in front of customers as animatics and boards and to move faster through that, you know, quite onerous stage of concept development. From the lab, we get an ability to generate more creative at higher production value, production value and ideas that wouldn't be possible before.
And from the lab, we get more artistry, telling great stories for everyone to the extent that brand model practice is delivering custom Firefly models for prestige beauty brands. They're inherently particular about how things are done and it's really exciting to see them onboarding into this way of working. And from the lab, of course, we get more efficiency and more unique creative out of it. We're helping Zillow and others through their internal transformation to create those optics that they're looking for. But it's not all about uptick with the lab either. From the brand lab, we can also find leadership and the ability to help brands think about new ways of interacting with their customer. So as part of the 20th anniversary of Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty, we joined forces with them to launch the Real Beauty Prompt Playbook, which is a public resource to help creators fight the ingrained bias in AI's depiction of beauty. And while Dove committed to never use Generative AI to depict people, they understood that others may. And they wanted to provide guidance to make sure that ingrained biases were minimized. That's a pretty neat thing.
And of course, from the brand lab, we get more utility. New utility across all kinds of surfaces. New utilities that keep customers at the center of it all, like this AI-supported surface that helps with virtual try-on. And things like this can radically reduce returns from online retail shopping, fewer damaged goods and lowered carbon emissions. And fewer clothes that end up in landfills. And so that's a pretty amazing thing that has utility for all. And of course, more fun. You know, the brand lab, especially the ones that we've worked with and our team's focus on creating great, fun customer experiences that keep people at the center of it all. This is an experience for House of Dragon. And what could be more fun than seeing me dressed like that. This is an experience you can check out today and you yourself can look just like that. Or a little different. Red team, green team, it's up to you. Anyway, the tenets of the brand lab are interesting. It's about creating a culture and something I'm happy to chat about at any time. It's about bringing together the mindset of speed and systems thinking. It's about bringing together people who are focused on technology and curious about it. An eye on the trend line, but also this ability to have great interactions with legal. I don't know about you, but I've seen more meetings this year between creative directors and legal teams than I ever have in my entire career. Anyway, thank you for your time.
I'm going to hand it back over to Elliot.
Thank you, Michael. Thanks. So we learned a lot there. The brand lab, the content factory. If you don't have a brand lab right now, you should probably be thinking about, do I have a brand lab? Michael shared quite a bit from this that we can share with you later on as well. Take that back to your organizations and think about how you can creatively use that to adopt Generative AI and create workflows. The content factory. So a great concept there as well. We're learning a lot from how you can build these high-scale workflows. How many of you knew that you needed 300 assets to optimize these systems like Meta and TikTok as well? I didn't know that coming into this. We're discovering this going along the way. We can't just win alone with this one single asset that's there. We need a lot of variation to test with different customers so we can learn from that and grow from that, adapt from that. So lots of key learnings that are here as well.
So what's in the road ahead? What's coming down the line for us when we think about business? Much more creativity, much more collaboration, much more fun as well. So this image here I generated with the Firefly image model.
And then of course we've been playing around a lot with the...
We've been playing around a lot with this video model. It's insane what's going on here. So where are we going? Do we need roads? Where we're going we don't need roads. We don't need roads.
So we're going to talk about scaling asset production in new ways.
What about audio? What about video? Lots of different ways of bulk creation. If you don't have access to APIs and you're in Creative Pro, how can you quickly jumpstart your creative team to do that? So with that, do we have time for one more demo? We do. Excellent. So who wants one more demo? Oh, that's it? Oh, no, no, no. You guys weren't loud enough. Who wants one more demo? Okay, yeah, there we go. With that, we'll bring Ben back up to the stage. -Ben. -Awesome. -Thank you. -Show us some cool stuff. All right. So we saw how we can do some designs and some images, which is pretty cool. How many of you people edit video in here? All right. So let's talk about a couple of different problems and how we can solve them. All right. First off, let's listen to this video quickly here. Our candles are crafted, paying particular attention to sustainability and sense sourced from natural ingredients. Okay. So with this video, we can get the general idea, talking ahead here. But if this was a product video that we were using with our products previously there, and we wanted to expand our market and expand our audience on this, what would we have to do? Well, first option is we could reshoot the video with somebody else. But that means that we'll have to do a new shoot and everything for different languages.
And that could take time. Or we could do overdub and we could have kind of the Japanese movie style with a really bad overdub. Or we could use what's coming soon, which is our dubbing and lip sync with Firefly. So let's have a look. You heard that video before? Now, let's hear it in French. (woman speaking in French) Okay. So what we did there is we took the video, which was the original video. And you'll notice that it took her voice print and translated it into French. But not only did it translate it, it also matched the lip movements to her actual new speech. So, if we just do another one, German. (woman speaking in German) Okay. I'm going to just tell you that actually it's a lot more synced than what was showing up on there. Because of a little bit of a video feed there, but it is perfectly synced on that. And also as a German speaker, pretty good too. Spanish, one more. (woman speaking in Spanish) Alright. So in essence here, dubbing and lip sync, what it does is give you the ability to be able to take your videos and be able to translate them into a variety of different languages and make them look great. So that's one thing that we're doing and working on to be able to make it easier for you to be able to take your videos and reuse them into a variety of different content. The next thing is using Reframe. How many people use Reframe in Premiere? No? Okay. Well, one problem you can run into with a video is if you take this video here, a lot of video isn't 16x9 anymore. Even though if you shot that, it might be in 9x16 because of TikTok, or you might have it 1x1 and so forth. What you might do, if you're lazy, you might take this video and you might do a very bad crop on that and just crop the edges. But then you're going to end up with something like this, and it's not going to look like a great video. So what if it could keep the action in the center and create all the different variations all automatically at scale through an automated API? And that's exactly what we're doing, where we've taken this and it's keeping all of the video and the different crops in the center, understanding where the main focus is so that we have a video in different formats for different platforms quickly and easily and at scale. Kind of cool. All right, cool.
So what we also have on this is, I am going to talk about one more thing, and if we can switch to the laptop, please, is one of the problems that we have heard is, like, "Talk about APIs, developers, and things like that." Well, maybe you don't always have developers, but you still want the scale, you still want to be able to do all that stuff at scale. So what we have heard from our customers is that what we'd really love is an interface to do a lot of these bulk sort of actions. So what we also have here is what's called bulk create. So we're creating a new interface here for Firefly that will be within Firefly that will allow you to be able to take all your different -- In this example, we're going to remove the backgrounds on these different images here. Now, normally you might go one at a time inside Photoshop, remove those backgrounds, tweak those there. And those might be things that you have to download from maybe your dam or Dropbox or different places. But what we're doing is making it easy directly within bulk create here. You can choose your assets that you want. And that remove background is a one check mark to say remove background. And we can then take different replace background. We'll take a couple of these images that we created inside of Firefly. We can then take that, upload those, even add a few, say, color backgrounds. So again, because we want to take our products and put in a couple different variations here. We can then do that, put in the colors here. And what it's going to do is when I click on continue and hit the process, what it'll do is it'll actually generate all those different variations and remove those backgrounds automatically. Now, the cool thing about this is that you can upload up to 10,000 images into this and it will do all of those. And we're starting with things like remove background, but we're taking a lot of the common redundant tasks and turning them into easy automated workflows so that you can take those, drop those into there for a lot of your repetitive tasks. So that is bulk create, coming soon with Firefly Services.
You guys want one more? Okay. And this one really is... This is leaning a little bit forward here. How many of you have had an image like this that you perfectly composited and you used it at some point, only to realize that you don't have the original Photoshop file anymore. This is the only version that you have it. And you would love to turn back time and say, I want to have layers. I want to have all those different variations. It would be kind of nice. But what you end up doing is going, okay, I either have to recreate it or do a whole bunch of compositing to bring it back to that moment.
Well, what if we could turn back time? What if we could actually take this image, And in this case, drop this into here. What we're going to do is we're going to go in and we're going to upload that said image. We can have a look at this here. This is the image. All right. We're going to say open.
And this is going to upload and it's going to analyze this image using AI to understand all the different elements inside of the image. And then, take that. And actually cut it into separate layers so that it takes the background, turns it into its own layer. The soccer ball, each of the different people, and not only that, make it then into an editable Photoshop file that you can then have all of those layers inside that you can download as a PSD file. Would that be helpful? Yes. Time machines are real, people. So, that is just some of the cool things that we're bringing to Firefly Services in the near future. And I'm super excited with the future, what we're bringing to this. But with that, thank you. And I'm going to hand it back to Elliot.
That was fun, wasn't it? That was fun. So, thank you, Ben, for showcasing a lot of those new innovations.
We saw a lot of amazing things happening with video, audio as well coming from our audio model, bulk create. I mean, how many of you are excited about that? Because how many of you have developers on staff to tie together these APIs? Many of you don't, but you want to get started creating a lot of those variations. So, this is critically important. And of course, lots of magic happening within Photoshop itself.
So, where do we go from here? You know, we have to really reimagine what we think about with our creative teams. We have to supercharge them. Supercharging yourself, your team around you, and rethinking how you organize yourself around these new technologies coming incredibly fast. And you can imagine six months from now, there'll be new innovations there to take on. So, we have to really think about that. Second, we got to think a little bit more about how can we increase our creative capacity? Many of us are being asked to do a lot more. Many more variations. Many more marketing campaigns. Many more audiences that we need to reach. Our businesses need to grow. Our businesses need to stay competitive. And we need to unlock personalization. Speaking to each and every one of you, we know we're getting closer and closer to that day. We're going to actually get to the point. We're talking to a segment of one. We're getting incredibly close. So think about how you can take advantage of that.
So, we've been talking to a lot of our customers. And then we're thinking about, okay, well, what is the path to do that? Many of you have already started to use Generative AI to unlock and jumpstart creative ideation directly within the Firefly web tool, using that for inspiration. We saw some amazing demos and some new technologies coming with project concepts, for example, as well. So expect us to continue to innovate around that. Many of you are boosting creative production already. You're leveraging Generative Fill, a lot of tools within Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator. And a lot of those things are building directly within Creative Cloud.
Tailoring your brand is critically important as well. So as you're thinking about those brand guidelines, those themes, those collections of content that you need to use to express your brand. And we built style references. We built custom models as well. So we're going to be talking a lot more about that in the months to come, about how those are getting integrated into the rest of the Adobe platform. And then, of course, what we saw today. We're automating bulk creation, bulk production with Firefly Services.
The first demo that everything that Ben showed there is available today. And the second demo series, a lot of those are things that are to come very, very soon. So we're giving some more details on that as well. So with that, I'd like to thank you. Thank you for your engagement. I want to thank Michael and Ben for their amazing content today. And enjoy MAX. Thanks, everyone.