Typography Across InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop - VS306

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  • Nigel French

    Nigel French

    Graphic Designer, Photographer, Design Teacher, Nigel French Graphic Design

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InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop form a powerful trio, offering unparalleled control and creative freedom in typographic design. While these applications share some tools, each possesses unique features and strengths in the realm of typography. In this session, join graphic designer Nigel French as he unveils how to play to those strengths. We’ll see which app(s) to use when faced with different typographic challenges, whether you’re working with a single character, a thousand-page book, or anything in between.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Use the robust typographic tools in InDesign for long documents and layouts
  • Leverage the precision, vector-based scalability, and flexibility in Illustrator when it comes to expressive typography
  • Explore type as image with Photoshop effects based on layer masks, Smart Objects, and blending modes
  • Strategically combine these apps

Technical Level: General Audience

Type: Session

Category: How To

Track: Graphic Design

Audience Types: Art/Creative Director, Graphic Designer, Print Designer, Illustrator

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