Race Cars, Cameras, Action! Larry Chen’s Photography Process - S6707

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  • Larry Chen

    Larry Chen

    Automotive Journalist & Car Culture Photographer, MSI Computer Corp

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Join Larry Chen, an automotive journalist and car culture photographer, as he reveals his automotive photography workflow. Larry will cover shooting, culling, and light editing, which should provide a general guideline for when the casual shooter goes to a race or a car culture event.

In this session, you’ll learn how to:

  • Choose the best images on the fly while shooting
  • Work on initial selections, while editing and culling them further in Lightroom
  • Emphasize the need to take your time while editing in Photoshop (fixing mistakes, making major changes, and so on)

Technical Level: Intermediate

Type: Session

Category: Industry Best Practices

Track: Photography, Education

Audience Types: Art/Creative Director, Educator, Motion Designer, Post-Production Professional

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