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Outdoor Photography and Image Enhancement in Lightroom - VS403

Conservation Photographer and Filmmaker, Visual Artist
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Immersing your audience in your local space and the nature around it can be a powerful tool in creating a connection. Join nature and conservation photographer Kristi Odom as she takes you on a journey from capture to creation in the great outdoors. Kristi will start with photography advice on finding beautiful locations close to home and how to take simple, yet powerful photos of those places and the animals around them. Using tools from Lightroom, she’ll show how basic editing techniques can create a bigger visual impact and ultimately a stronger bond with your audience.
In this session, you’ll learn about:
- How to find great locations close to home
- Photographing not just the landscape, but the plants, insects, and wildlife
- How to compose your shot
- Enhancing your images using built-in adaptive presets as well as dodging and burning techniques in Lightroom
- Exporting your images for optimal sharing on any platform, from websites to social media
Technical Level: Beginner
Type: Session
Category: How To
Track: Photography
Audience Types: Photographer
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