Embrace the World via Photography: On the Go with Lightroom - S6401

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Technical Level: Beginner –  Intermediate

Join travel and documentary photographer Holly-Marie Cato as she explores different regions of the world through her camera, taking you behind the scenes to show her workflow and sequencing techniques. Learn how to unearth the authentic stories that lie beneath the briefs and shot lists from clients, and see how Holly-Marie edits on the go. She’ll challenge you to look behind a cool moment to delve deeper and understand what needs to happen before and after you take your photo.

In this session, you’ll explore:

  • Breaking down power dynamics when photographing marginalized communities to create a more positive and equitable experience
  • Methods of importing images in the field
  • Utilizing Photoshop Lightroom features for sequencing photos to tell a concise and impactful story
  • Lightroom tools that enable quick and effective edits

Technical Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Type: Session

Category: Inspiration

Track: Photography

Audience Types: Photographer

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