Elevate Your Portraits with Lightroom - S6402

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  • Chris Orwig

    Chris Orwig

    Photographer / Consultant / Coach, Photographer, Author, Educator

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Technical Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Join portrait photographer Chris Orwig to learn some of his secrets for posing people and getting them to feel comfortable in front of the camera. Chris will also show you how to harness the power of Photoshop Lightroom features that enable retouching of portraits for better and more natural results. These include new, easy-to-use masking features designed to save time, reduce tedium in your workflow, and help you achieve beautiful results. This session will inspire and empower you to create beautiful, professional-looking portraits.

Chris will cover:

  • How to pose people and get them to feel natural
  • Timesaving approaches for editing photos of people
  • Using masking to select and adjust specific parts of an image or subject (such as brightening eyes, improving hair texture, and more)
  • Tips for using the Healing Brush tool to improve skin

Technical Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Type: Session

Category: How To

Track: Photography

Audience Types: Photographer

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