Different Approaches to Finding Your Illustration Style - S6314

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Technical Level: Beginner to Intermediate

In this session, join illustrator and designer Natasha Polozenko as she demonstrates how different Illustrator tools, functionalities, and processes can be leveraged to achieve different artistic effects and styles. We’ll walk through multiple approaches to creating an illustrated character, exploring how different workflows can make a big difference in the overall style and aesthetic.

You’ll gain a better understanding of:

  • Different stylistic approaches that can be created in Illustrator
  • Which Illustrator tools and workflows can achieve the style you desire
  • How varying stroke effects, shading, and textures can dramatically impact how your work looks

Technical Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Type: Session

Category: How To

Track: Graphic Design

Audience Types: Art/Creative Director, Graphic Designer, Print Designer, Illustrator

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