Creativity Unchained: The Evolution of a Content Supply Chain - S6158

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It’s rare for a creative team to start from scratch at a major organization. But during the COVID-19 pandemic, that’s exactly how Xfinity Creative was born at Comcast. A new in-house agency at the telecom giant was custom built to plan, create, and deliver exceptional content for the brand. Join Ephraim Gerard Cruz (“Eph”), director of operations and one of the agency’s first team members, to learn about his experience building an in-house agency from the ground up.

Eph will share:

  • How he grew from fashion streetwear to the business and technology-centric world
  • The evolution of Xfinity Creative’s vision and scope — and how the in-house agency is driving business today
  • The secret sauce for balancing the business and creative processes so you can focus on creating and the culture
  • Best practices and learnings from the process, from the tech stack to the personnel
  • How his team continues to innovate on top of the solid foundation they laid in 2020

Technical Level: General Audience

Type: Session

Category: Collaborating with Your Team

Track: Creativity and Design in Business

Audience Types: Art/Creative Director, Business Strategist/Owner, Graphic Designer, Executive

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