Intro to Substance 3D Stager for Packaging and Branding Design - VS101
- Emily Bisset, 3D Technical Artist, Adobe
Technical Level: Beginner Using 3D tools as part of your ideation and creation process saves time, produces high-quality results, and opens the door to further skill development. Join Adobe 3D technical artist Emily Bisset and discover how to access, apply, and design using realistic lighting, models, and materials to bring your concepts to life in real time. Experience the power of 3D as Emily demonstrates new ways to make your design process more iterative and expressive with Substance 3D Stager. Learn the basics of working in 3D as you create your own branding and packaging designs using Stager. In this session, you’ll learn: How to create a packaging concept in 3D The foundation of working in 3D with materials, lights, and cameras How to render pack shots of your design using virtual photography methods
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