Reinventing Your In-House Team in a “Post-Pandemic” World - S6153

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  • Paul Nicholson

    Paul Nicholson

    SVP Production & Technology at Showtime Networks , Showtime


Learn how Showtime Networks reinvented their in-house agency workstreams to evolve into a more creative, nimble, and efficient team with a 360-degree agile approach — all while driving a brand refresh in a rapidly changing industry.

Paul Nicholson, SVP Production & Technology at Showtime, will share: 

  • What most companies get wrong about “process”: Do you know what your employees should do every day — and do they? 
  • Strategies on self-reflection: How to audit your workstreams and make sure discoveries lead to solutions that double down on what works. 
  • Hybrid work/life is different: The new challenge is to create, manage, and deliver content when employees can work from anywhere. Look beyond technology to ensure team success. 
  • How to identify and leverage technology solutions:, Premiere Pro, MOGRTs, and more can solve content velocity pressure.

Technical Level: General Audience

Type: Session

Category: Collaborating with Your Team

Track: Creativity and Design in Business, Video

Audience Types: Art/Creative Director, Business Strategist/Owner, Motion Designer, Post-Production Professional, Executive

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