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Drawing Inspiration in Graphic Design - S809
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Founder and Creative Director, Hey
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In this session, Verònica Fuerte will show you a glimpse of her studio, Hey, and its evolution over the last 15 years. Verònica has discovered that her profession is always evolving. What she thought was graphic design when she started out is now limitless, and she gives it a broad approach. What she imagined she couldn’t create is viable now, as she works with different collaborators to bring her vision to life. From a brand to a space, motion, or product — everything is possible. So we are visual language creators.
Verònica will guide you through Hey’s motivation principles:
- Don’t be afraid to explore and present highly creative routes.
- Draw inspiration from the past to create the future.
- Our past is fundamental to draw the future and evolve it.
Technical Level: General Audience
Type: Session
Category: Industry Best Practices
Track: Drawing, Painting, and Illustration, Graphic Design
Audience Types: Art/Creative Director, Business Strategist/Owner, Graphic Designer, Illustrator
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