Adobe Sensei Resources

Your digital transformation relies on powerful artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. We’re here as your trusted partner to help with guidance and information. Check out these AI resources and dive into the diverse perspectives from industry and Adobe experts.

Runājot par mākslīgo intelektu, mēs vienkārši turpinām radīt jaunievedumus.

Žurnālā “Fast Company” mēs tikām minēti kā viens no pasaulē novatoriskākajiem uzņēmumiem mākslīgā intelekta nozarē 2018. gadā. Tika novērtēta mūsu personāžu animācijas un attēlu saskaņošanas meistarība. Lai uzzinātu vairāk, skatiet mūsu emuāra rakstu.

Pasaulē novatoriskākie uzņēmumi




Industry Coverage

Industry Coverage

TechCrunch: Leading Our AI Big Bet

Read the TechCrunch article to see what our VP and CTO Abhay Parasnis is saying about AI.  Read article

Forbes:  Creativity and AI

Read this Forbes article to learn what Scott Prevost, our VP of Engineering for Adobe Sensei, had to say about the evolving relationship between AI and human intelligence. Read article

VentureBeat: New AI in Adobe Experience Platform

Learn more about our new AI-powered features in Experience Platform in this VentureBeat article and discover it's poised to drive customer engagement. Read article

ReadWrite: Debunking AI Myths

Check out this article from ReadWrite to learn how Adobe Sensei stacks up against competitors — and how it's making big strides into the future. Read article

Digiday: Contextual AI

Explore some of the thought processes behind our AI architecture in this Digiday article by Oliver Brdiczka, our AI and machine learning architect. Read article

Industry Trends

Mākslīgais intelekts apgūst jaunu teritoriju

Lai uzzinātu par pieciem veidiem, kā mākslīgais intelekts palīdzēs cilvēkiem ieviest jaunievedumus nākotnē, izlasiet šo rakstu.

Radošums un tehnoloģija

Pfeiffer Consulting veica pētījumu par radītāju izpratni, kā MI ietekmēs radošumu. Skatiet, ko viņi atklāja.

MI briedums

Atklājiet Altimeter MI brieduma modeli MI adopcijai uzņēmumā, par ko stāstīts Altimeter jaunākajā ziņojumā.

Related Content

Adobe Sensei & AI Collection


Adobe Sensei & AI Collection

Visit the Adobe Blog and take a look at our collection of articles devoted specifically to Adobe Sensei and artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence Collection


Adobe Sensei on Medium

News and articles from Adobe experts.