Join Max Novak and learn how to animate a chocolate bar and make variations, all using Substance 3D Painter, Illustrator and After Effects.
Easily find foil and chocolate materials from the Assets Library. Open up these design elements directly in Illustrator.
Set up your UV within Substance Painter by selecting the “Auto Unwrap”option.
Apply the default wrapper material downloaded, then drag Adobe Illustrator file containing all the designs into Substance 3D Painter.
Under properties, view a“File Type Specific Settings” dropdown, allowing you to swap out variations with a click.
Place all of the smaller details into one artboard and use masking to have individual control over each, making switching between variations easy.
Export your 3D model to C4D or any 3D program to animate or make final changes.
Select lighting from the Substance 3D Assets Library and drag the HDRI file into After Effects, use shape layers to create a background and animation transitions.