Discover how to apply color to your artwork. Then see how to mix a custom color and use it in your designs.
This video introduces you to the concept of mixing and applying color to fill an object and its border.
Choose built-in colors
Get familiar with the default colors that you can apply to an object’s fill (inside) or stroke (border).
Mix your own custom color
Have fun mixing your own custom color. Start by picking a color from a rainbow, and then refine it until it looks right.
Save your custom colors
After mixing up a custom color, be sure to save it so you can apply it to other elements in your design!
Apply color to a border
See how to change the color of the strokes in your artwork. Strokes are the colored borders of objects or paths in your design.
Instruction by
Adobe Stock Contributors
April 2, 2024You'll get step-by-step instructions that guide you around the interface.