Adobe XD is a great tool for , thanks to its robust live Coediting feature. With Coediting, you can invite multiple designers to work together on the same designs in real time. There are a few big reasons, however, why you would not want to invite your client to be a co-editor on your prototype. Aside from them not fully understanding XD (and possibly going in and breaking pieces of your design), this would also give them a real-time window into your work. This causes you to lose control over what your client sees and when you receive feedback from them; they may spend unnecessary time critiquing unfinished concepts.
In conclusion, XD gives you many options for sharing work with clients in ways that give them the full experience while keeping you in control, all to ensure an efficient review process. We covered shared links as a great option for them to experience the design/prototype and offer feedback, and recording prototypes to share video demonstrations walking them through the prototype.
Now if these two features are still not enough to convince your clients to move away from the old-fashioned PDFs they might be used to, XD offers PDF export as well!