Free Editable Desktop Wallpaper Templates.
Explore our desktop wallpaper templates to help you easily create your own design online in minutes.
Bring your idea to life with desktop wallpaper templates from Adobe Express.
A custom desktop wallpaper is a quick and easy way to elevate the way your screen looks. Whether it’s for school, business, or personal use, personalised desktop wallpapers let you express your personality or interests, remind you of your goals, or bolster internal branding. A desktop wallpaper is also a great place to add a motivational quote to inspire productivity and promote mindfulness at your desk. Whatever it is you want to achieve with your desktop wallpaper, you can easily make one that looks exactly how you want using the Adobe Express online editor. When making a custom desktop wallpaper design, start with a concept that reflects your brand, values, or interests. It’s important to consider your content, which should be well-designed, and check your screen settings to ensure that your wallpaper fits your screen’s aspect ratio. Avoid making your desktop wallpaper too cluttered to minimize distractions, and make your folders or icons more visible in the background. If you have images you’d like to include in your wallpaper, make sure that they’re high-quality so they can be resized to fit your screen without looking blurry. With Adobe Express on your side, you can make stunning custom desktop wallpapers in no time.
Browse our wide collection of free online desktop wallpaper templates and start customising your own for free. After you've found one you like, you can edit every element of your desktop wallpaper template in the online editor. Make your desktop wallpaper template design and message stand out with stunning fonts, curated colour palettes, stock images, videos, icons, graphics, and more to choose from. When you're done, send your new desktop wallpaper to others for feedback or download and share wherever you like.