Free Editable Wallpaper Templates.
Explore our wallpaper templates to help you easily create your own design online in minutes.
Bring your idea to life with wallpaper templates from Adobe Express.
Making your own wallpaper allows you to express your vision and gives you the freedom to include all the visual and textual elements you want. Use Adobe Express to make awe-inspiring personalised wallpapers in just a few clicks. To make a custom wallpaper, you can take inspiration from things that you love, like a pattern from a vintage dress or your favourite flowers. If you have favourite photos, feel free to combine them into one stunning collage. You can even make an inspiration wallpaper with text and include motivational mottos or a daily reminder to express gratitude. Whether you’re going for a minimalist aesthetic or something grander when it comes to your wallpaper, Adobe Express lets you make custom wallpapers your way.
Start inspired with thousands of free, professionally designed wallpaper templates you can fully customise right from your browser. Upload your brand assets like logo, fonts, colour schemes, and image assets to the online editor to make your wallpaper template feel entirely authentic. Choose from thousands of stunning fonts, curated colour palettes, images, videos, icons, graphics, and so much more to add to your project. When you're finished, download and share anywhere or invite others to collaborate on your wallpaper template design. Go back anytime to make updates as needed.