Free, Editable Birthday Collage Templates.

Explore our birthday collage templates to help you easily create your own design in minutes.

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Start from scratch


Bring your idea to life with birthday collage templates from Adobe Express.

Birthday celebrations warm your heart and then slip by before you know it. Commemorate a single year or an entire lifetime with the Adobe Express birthday collage templates. You can put one photo in the spotlight or add multiple images to tell a story.

There’s no limit to where your creativity can take you. Adobe Express templates make design effortless making it enjoyable for you to create your collage. Best of all, you can experiment with photo filters, colour palettes and designer layouts — all without finalising your design until you’re ready.

Grab the images that speak to you most powerfully and put them together. Whether you print the collage as a special gift or share it with everyone who helped you celebrate, you’re giving something priceless: memories to hold in your hand.