Free Editable Text Logo Templates.
Explore our text logo templates to help you easily create your own design online in minutes.
Bring your idea to life with text logo templates from Adobe Express.
A strong text logo helps your brand stand out and makes it easier for your target audience to remember you. From simple and elegant to something more elaborate, Adobe Express lets you make a text logo that encapsulates your name and identity. When crafting your text logo, use a readable font that fits your brand’s style. Consider the scalability of your text logo so it maintains its quality, whether it’s scaled up or down. Whether you’re making a text logo for your business or a school project, Adobe Express gives you so many ways to make text logos that stand out.
Browse our ever-growing collection of free, customisable text logo templates to help you get started today. Once you've found one that resonates with you, edit every element of your text logo exactly how you like. personalise your text logo template by uploading your own photos or graphics, adding your messaging, and choosing from thousands of unique font combinations. Drag and drop icons, graphics, or add animated effects to grasp your viewer's attention. Share your new text logo template on social media or resize it in a flash to reach an even wider audience.