
Free, Editable Circle Logo Templates.

Explore our circle logo templates to help you easily create your own design in minutes.

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Start from scratch


Bring your idea to life with circle logo templates from Adobe Express.

A circle logo is a versatile shape that enhances your brand identity by incorporating essential details like your business name, slogan, and contact information. Its circular shape makes it easy to print as stickers or use as a header on formal company letters. Whether you prefer minimalist or elaborate designs, the Adobe Express online editor allows you to create captivating circle logos that make your brand, business or event easily recognisable.

Get started quickly with free circle logo templates or begin from scratch. Select the circle logo template that best suits your needs then easily customise the visuals to match your theme. Enhance the design with your personal touch by adding graphics, colour schemes, fonts, animated effects and more. hare your new circle logo digitally or print it out.