Free, Editable Business Logo Templates.

Build brand awareness and make things official with a custom business logo. With Adobe Express, you can design your very own logo in no time with our business logo templates and simple online editor.

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Bring your idea to life with business logo templates from Adobe Express.

Creating a strong and memorable logo is important for any business. When applied across all your marketing collateral and social channels, potential customers are more likely to remember your brand. Whether you're a startup looking to make a bold statement or an established brand seeking a fresh revamp, Adobe Express helps you easily kickstart your logo creation process - no design experience needed.

Browse our extensive collection of free online business logo templates and start customising for free. Choose a template that best aligns with your vision or search by genre, style and more to find exactly what you need. Add important details to your logo design with stunning font combinations, then incorporate your brand elements like colour schemes or icons to make your logo stand out. No prior editing skills are necessary to use Adobe Express, so enjoy personalising your business logo template. When you're done, you can download it instantly and share it anywhere.
