Free Editable Band Logo Templates.
Explore our band logo templates to help you easily create your own design online in minutes.
Bring your idea to life with band logo templates from Adobe Express.
Your band logo is a crucial part of your band's visual identity. It gives your audience an idea of your musical style, builds brand awareness, reinforces your identity, and helps new listeners easily recognize who you are. For loyal fans, adding your band logo to merch such as t-shirts, stickers, and other gear is a way for them to represent their interests, support your members, and connect with your music. As you focus on putting out your music and growing your fanbase, look no further, a band logo made using Adobe Express is the first place to start.
Anyone of all skill levels can create a band logo with professionally-designed band logo templates from Adobe Express. Use Adobe Express to edit every element of your band logo exactly the way you want it. Whether you're just starting out or an avid designer, it's easy to make a polished design with thousands of fonts, icons, graphics, colour palettes, at your side. When you're finished, download and share anywhere or invite others to collaborate on your band logo. Go back anytime to make updates as needed.