Free, Editable Facebook Cover Templates.

Showcase what your brand or business is about when you make a standout Facebook cover banner with free, customisable Facebook cover templates from Adobe Express.

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template-static-and-animatedStatic & Animateddrop-down-arrow
template-static-and-animatedStatic & Animated
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visibility-onRare & Original
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Start from scratch


Bring your idea to life with Facebook cover templates from Adobe Express.

No Facebook home page is complete without an eye-catching Facebook cover. Your cover page is one of the first things people see when they arrive on your Facebook page. If you're creating a page for your business, a captivating Facebook cover helps to convey essential information about your brand and the products or services you offer at first glance. With Adobe Express, you can create a stunning Facebook cover for your business or personal page in minutes.

Anyone of all skill levels can create a Facebook cover with professionally-designed Facebook cover templates with Adobe Express. Customise every aspect of your Facebook cover template or search by colour, niche, industry and aesthetic to save time. Fill in the important details on your Facebook cover template design with stunning font combinations to choose from, then add your branded assets like colour schemes and logo to stand out. It's fun and easy to make, save and share your designs anywhere with Adobe Express.