
Free Editable Halloween Background Templates.

Explore our Halloween background templates to help you easily create your own design online in minutes.

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Start from scratch


Bring your idea to life with halloween background templates from Adobe Express.

A frighteningly fabulous Halloween background can make any desktop (or celebration) stand out. Making a custom Halloween background is also a wonderful opportunity for you to let your imagination run wild. To create a spooky Halloween background, you can stick with classic Halloween colours like black, orange, and purple, or shake things up and choose an unexpected colour scheme. Whether you’re looking to make a cowboy-themed wallpaper or something scary, you can easily do so with iconic imagery and graphics from Adobe Express. Or, if you want to keep it simple and Halloween-themed, you can also stick with iconic imagery like skeletons, black cats, and spiders. If you’re looking to create a Halloween campaign for your brand, don’t forget to include your logo and a witty tagline that references the eventful day. With Adobe Express, it’s easier than ever to make custom Halloween backgrounds for school, personal, or business use.

Start inspired with thousands of free, professionally designed Halloween background templates you can fully customise right from your browser. Upload your brand assets like logo, fonts, colour schemes, and image assets to the online editor to make your Halloween background template feel entirely authentic. Make your Halloween background design and message stand out with stunning fonts, curated colour palettes, stock images, videos, icons, graphics, and more to choose from. When you're done, send your new Halloween background to others for feedback or download and share wherever you like.