Free, Editable Facebook Advertisement Templates.

Explore our Facebook advertisement templates to help you easily create your own design in minutes.

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Start from scratch


Bring your idea to life with Facebook advertisement templates from Adobe Express.

Facebook ads are a great way to cast a wide net with your marketing efforts and reach an untapped online audience. Whether you want to grow brand awareness or alert existing followers of new offers, you can do all that and more with Adobe Express on your side. Expand your reach, drive conversions and achieve your unique business goals with a well-designed Facebook ad. To make a Facebook ad that stands out, consider adding a clear call to action, a unique value proposition and branded assets like colour schemes and images to stand out to potential customers. And while this may seem daunting, it’s easier than ever to create a custom Facebook ad with Adobe Express. You don't need design expertise.

Browse our wide collection of Facebook advertisement templates and start customising your own for free. Once you've found one that resonates with you, edit every element of your Facebook ad exactly how you like. Make your Facebook ad design and message stand out with stunning fonts, curated colour palettes, images, videos, icons, graphics and more to choose from. When you're done, send your new Facebook ad to others for feedback or download and share wherever you like.