

How to write and structure PDF business proposals + free downloadable template.

Learn step-by-step how to create compelling business proposals and get started with our free downloaded PDF business proposal template.

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Photo of three business associates collaborating on a tablet.

Compelling business proposals are vital for growing your business. They are key documents that help you to gain new clients, sell your products or services, get funding or finance and grow your business.

You want to be able to write content and present business proposals in formats that will bring you success. Learning what content to include can help you to write winning proposals. As can getting to know some of the tools and features available in Adobe Acrobat to help with creating PDF business proposals. Read on to learn more.

What is a business proposal?

A business proposal is a written document that outlines your specific business opportunity, project or idea. A clear and persuasive document, the primary purpose of a business proposal is to motivate the reader to work with you in some way.

Photo of the hands and torso of two people in a handshake/fist pump in agreement.
This could be by investing in your business, entering into a partnership or contract with you, purchasing your products or services or granting you finances or funding and approval to undertake the work that you do.

Scope, length and complexity of business proposals.

Business proposals can vary in scope, length and complexity. They vary depending on the nature of the opportunity and what solution your business is offering to another party. As with any type of writing, you want to tailor the content in a business proposal to suit the audience you are targeting. A well-crafted and presented business proposal is essential for making a compelling case and increasing the likelihood of positive results.

Business proposals versus other business documents.

Be mindful that business proposals are similar to other business documents, but there are variances. A business proposal differs from a business report in that it is designed to encourage people to work with you and your business and not just outline the services or products that you provide. Similarly, business proposals usually contain budgets and costs that go into more detail than what you might provide in a basic project or work estimate.

Benefits of PDF business proposals.

Because business proposals are large, multi-page documents, it’s best to save them as PDFs. Why? PDF files are accessible, secure and versatile.

  • Editable and collaborative.
    If you need to collaborate on your proposal and make revisions, it’s easy. You can edit, annotate, add comments, insert drawings and more to perfect your proposal before sending it with Adobe Acrobat online services or in an Adobe Acrobat app.
  • Secure Document Distribution.
    Password protection, encryption and other security features can be applied to PDFs to restrict access and prevent unauthorised copying or editing. Add extra layers of protection to your commercially sensitive documents.
  • Digital Signatures.
    PDFs support digital signatures, making them suitable for digitally signing documents and proposals without the need for physical copies.
  • Stable formatting.
    Using PDF files for business proposals ensures your formatting stays the same as intended. PDFs can store images with high-quality, making them suitable for saving scanned documents, images and photographs.
  • And more.

Key elements of a business proposal.

While the specific elements of business proposals can vary depending on the nature of the proposal and the industry, there are some key themes. Elements commonly found in most business proposals include things like —

  • A needs assessment — how you can help or provide a solution to a problem
  • Your experience in the industry.
  • What the client, investor or potential partner can expect if they work with you.
  • The scope of the work you will deliver.
  • Estimated budgets and costs.
  • Timelines that include key milestones and deadlines.

The importance of creating a business proposal outline.

Creating a well-structured business proposal that your audience can follow and understand easily is essential. To do this, start with an outline of what you will include. Creating an outline will help you to organise your thoughts and ideas and ensure that you include and present all your key information logically and systematically. Beginning your writing process with a business proposal outline gives you —

  • Clarity and focus.
    A clear structure ensures your ideas are well organised and helps with writing concise content. This makes it easier for readers of your business proposal to understand your proposition.
  • Professionalism.
    A clear, well-structured document demonstrates your professionalism and attention to detail. This will instil confidence in your audience.
  • Reading and navigation cues.
    Clear headings and sections improve readability. They help your readers navigate your business proposal and locate specific information of interest quickly.
  • Comprehensive coverage.
    A structured outline prompts you to ensure that you include and cover all essential aspects and details in your business proposal.
  • Persuasive impact.
    By organising your business proposal in a logical sequence, you build a compelling case, address concerns and demonstrate you can present evidence effectively.

How to structure a business proposal.

A full business proposal needs to contain enough detailed content to explain your proposition. Business proposals should be informative, inspiring and balanced. Be thorough in your proposal. Don’t leave any loose ends. Potential clients or people you are hoping to have business relationships with, shouldn’t be left with any questions about what you have to offer.

The standard sections to include in a business proposal include —

  1. Cover/title page.

    • Include your company's name, logo and other branding elements.
    • Insert the date of the submission of your proposal.
    • Show your contact information, including your name, title, address, phone number, email and website.
  2. Executive summary.

    • Begin with a concise overview that highlights your proposal’s main points, objectives, benefits and value.
    • Capture your reader's attention with a snapshot of your proposal’s most compelling aspects. This will encourage people to continue reading.
  3. Table of contents.

    • List all sections and subsections within your business proposal for easy navigation. Use Adobe Acrobat tools and features to make it easy for your readers to navigate your business proposals.
    • Ensure your table of contents contains clickable bookmarks for readers to jump to the relevant section.
    • Create page thumbnails that give readers miniature previews of each page to jump from page to page.
    • Insert links to take readers to other locations in the document, other files or websites.
  4. Introduction.

    • Provide background information about your business, including its mission, values and relevant experience.
    • Clearly state the problem or opportunity your proposal aims to address, setting the context for the rest of the document.
  5. Problem statement or needs assessment.

    • Clearly define the problem or opportunity that your proposal addresses.
    • Provide evidence or data to support the existence of the problem or need.
    • Explain why it’s important and how it affects the recipient of your business proposal.
Screenshot of Needs Assessment and Solution page in free Business Proposal Template PDF.
  1. Proposed solution.

    • Describe how your proposal will address the problem or meet the needs of the recipient.
  2. Methodology or approach.

    • Explain the approach or methods you will use to address the problem or achieve the objectives.
    • Detail the steps and processes you plan to use. Include tools and technologies, if applicable.
  3. Scope of work.

    • Clearly define what you will deliver.
    • State the specific goals and objectives of the proposal.
    • List specific tasks, activities, milestones and deliverables.
    • Provide a timeline or schedule, if applicable.
    • Include desired outcomes and results that are measurable.
    • Note any limitations or exclusions.
Screenshot of Scope of Work page in free Business Proposal Template PDF.
  1. Risk Analysis.

    • Identify potential risks and challenges associated with your proposal.
    • Provide risk management strategies or mitigation plans.
  2. Budget and pricing.

    • Provide a detailed breakdown of the estimated costs involved.
    • Include pricing for each component or service, including labour and materials.
    • Highlight any special terms and conditions or payment structures.
    • If seeking funding or investment, clearly state the amount of funding required.
Screenshot of budget proposal page in free Business Proposal Template PDF.
  1. Evaluation and measurement.

    • Describe the methods you will use to evaluate the success or effectiveness of your proposal.
    • Identify any metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure success.
  2. Qualifications and experience.

    • Emphasise your company's expertise, qualifications and relevant experience.
    • Showcase key team members and their credentials.
  3. Case studies or portfolio.

    • Include examples of previous work, if applicable.
    • Explain how your past projects or solutions have benefited clients.
  4. Benefits and value propositions or statements.

    • Make a clear statement to the reader about how they will benefit from your business proposal.
    • Call attention to any unique value your proposal offers.
  5. Conclusion.

    • Summarise the main points of your business proposal.
    • Reinforce the benefits and value of your solution.
    • Leave your reader with a compelling call to action - state what you want the reader to do next.
  6. Appendices or supporting documents.

    • Include any additional supporting documents. This might include charts, graphs, testimonials or legal documents that support your proposal.
    • If applicable, list any references, citations or sources of information used in the proposal.

Consider writing a separate, personalised cover letter. Address this to the recipient and express your gratitude for their consideration of your proposal. Briefly summarising key points into bullet points, is also often beneficial.

Remember to tailor your business proposal to the specific needs and preferences of your audience. A well-organised and persuasive proposal can significantly increase your chances of success.

Different types of business proposals.

There are several different types of business proposals. Each should be tailored to fit the context and audience and to meet specific objectives and audiences. Fine-tune your business proposal to suit the nature of your business and those you are proposing to work with.

Magnifying glass enlarging and focusing on the word "Proposal".

Some common types of business proposals include —

Sales proposals.

Sales proposals are designed to persuade potential customers to buy your product or service. Create a sales proposal PDF when you want to highlight the features, benefits and pricing of the goods or services that you offer.

Marketing proposals.

Marketing proposals outline marketing strategies and tactics to achieve specific business objectives. Use a marketing proposal PDF for internal planning or when you’re seeking marketing-related partnerships.

Business partnership proposals.

Business partnership proposals are formal documents that provide the details of a potential partnership between two or more businesses or individuals. They may be used for a specific project, joint venture, strategic alliance or an ongoing business relationship. Different types of business partnership proposal PDFs may include —

  • Joint venture business proposals.
    Create a joint venture business proposal PDF when you are hoping to collaborate on a specific project or venture with another party or business.
  • Strategic alliance business proposals.
    Design a strategic alliance business proposal PDF when you want to form strategic partnerships to achieve shared business goals with others.

Financial Proposals.

Financial proposals outline specific financial plans, strategies or requests. Create a financial proposal PDF when you want to communicate financial information to investors, lenders, partners or management teams. Two different types of financial proposals include —

  • Investment Proposals.
    If you’re an entrepreneur or business wanting to attract investors, create an investment proposal PDF. Include your business plan, financial projections and expected returns. Show potential investors that you’ve done your research, know your market and what is unique about your opportunity.
  • Loan Proposals.
    When you’re approaching financial institutions to request loans, submit a loan proposal PDF that details how the borrowed funds will be used and repaid. Show your bank or lender that you’ve got a plan that’s likely to succeed.

Event Proposals.

Event planning proposals detail the event concept, logistics and budget. If you’re planning an event, create event proposal PDFs for organisers, potential clients and stakeholders.

Creating solicited versus unsolicited proposals.

Solicited and unsolicited proposals serve different purposes and are used in different contexts. Tailor your business proposals to the accepted format for either approach. This will depend on whether you are responding to a request for a proposal or making a new approach to someone.

Stamp with the words "Request for Proposals".

Solicited proposals

Solicited proposals are typically requested by an organisation or entity. These may be formally referred to as a Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Quotation (RFQ) or Request for Information (RFI). The requestor will be seeking competitive bids or proposals from potential vendors or suppliers that usually relate to a specific project, product or service need.

When you create a business proposal PDF in response to a request, make sure that you follow any requested structure or formatting requirements. The recipients are likely will likely be reviewing multiple proposals. They want to be able to systematically read through proposals and find key information quickly. Be clear about how you will meet the requirements effectively and efficiently.

Unsolicited proposals.

Unsolicited proposals are submitted by a business or individual to another organisation or entity without a prior request or invitation. They are often used as a proactive approach to propose a new idea, project, product or service to a potential client or partner.

Creating an unsolicited proposal is your opportunity to present a unique and innovative solution or opportunity that the recipient may not have previously considered. You can be more flexible in the structure of an unsolicited proposal PDF but remember to be well-organised and persuasive to capture your reader’s attention.

Tips for writing an effective business proposal.

Create a business proposal that leaves a lasting impression. Use the following tips to learn how properly formatted business proposals can expand your business.

  1. Know your audience.
    Tailor your proposal to address your target audience’s specific needs and interests. Understand their pain points and goals so that you can directly address their needs and requirements.

  2. Highlight your unique value.
    Articulate the distinct advantages and benefits your business and your proposal offers. Showcase what sets you apart from your competitors and why your proposition is compelling.

  3. Be proactive about potential concerns.
    Anticipate and address any possible concerns or challenges your audience may have with your business proposal. This will demonstrate that you take a proactive problem-solving approach and build trust and credibility.

  4. Keep it concise and focused.
    Be succinct and avoid overwhelming your readers with long paragraphs and long sentences. Keep the proposal focused on essential information, avoiding unnecessary jargon or excessive details.
    Make sure your content is clear, easy to read and free of typos and grammatical errors. All of which can leave your client feeling confused, rather than impressed, by your proposal! Check and double-check before you hit send. Ideally, have someone else read and review your business proposal before you submit it.

  5. Use visual appeal.
    Present your business proposal in an engaging format. Incorporate visuals and use formatting that enhances readability and organisation. Catch the reader’s eye with a visually appealing layout.
    Consider a minimalistic layout. Business proposals are lengthy documents. Busy business proposals can be off-putting and hard to read. Choose your colours, fonts and formatting carefully and opt for a minimalistic design to simplify the document. Taking the minimalistic-design route doesn’t have to be unattractive or boring. You can still use patterns, geometric shapes and even overlays — you’ll just need to get a little creative.
    Include branded elements to stand out. For a cohesive business proposal format, incorporate some of your company’s visual assets. These can include logos, set colour palettes or even stlylised fonts.

Overall, keep your proposal clean and professional. Your business proposal is often the first window into the professional quality of your work. If your business proposal isn’t formatted professionally, you risk losing a potential client or important business partnership. Start this relationship on the right foot with PDF business proposals that are easy to share and read.

Business proposal templates and PDFs.

There are a few ways to create a business proposal. Creating templates can be useful if you submit a lot of proposals. Create a business proposal template with your company details, relevant headings and branding. Then customise your content for individual proposals. Or you can adapt and adjust online business proposal templates to meet your needs.

Some of the different ways to create a business proposal PDF include —

Use Adobe Acrobat to create your business proposal from scratch.

  • Work in a Word document and then use our online tool to easily convert Word to PDF.
  • Adapt and customise a free editable business proposal template from Adobe Express.

Ready to elevate your business proposal?

Download your FREE PDF Template now and craft winning proposals with ease!

Screenshot of free Business Proposal Template cover page.

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