As the creator of the PDF format, Adobe ensures that our Acrobat PDF to Word converter tool maintains your document’s original formatting. With our online tool, fonts, images, and alignments will look as expected. Your converted file becomes an editable Word document, ready to use immediately in Microsoft Word online.
You can also try Adobe Acrobat Pro free for seven days to convert files to and from Microsoft 365, edit PDF documents with PDF editor tools, edit scanned documents using optical character recognition (OCR) functionality, merge PDFs, organise or rotate PDF pages, split PDFs, reduce file size and convert HTML, TXT, RTF, PNG, JPG, BMP and other formats to PDF.
You don’t need any other software to convert a PDF to Microsoft Word when you use the Adobe Acrobat online services. Open the Acrobat tool in Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or another browser to convert your files.
Yes, your converted Microsoft Word file will be secure. Adobe is known for its commitment to security and privacy, so you can take your PDF and convert to Word, PowerPoint or Excel with trust and confidence.
PDF to Word converters are free to use, but there are also some paid converter tools. You can try Adobe Acrobat for free online to convert your PDFs into Word. Adobe Acrobat Pro offers premium features for PDF to Word conversion.
Our standard PDF-to-Word converter is designed for regular PDFs. If you need to convert scanned documents or images containing text, you can try our
OCR PDF online tool. It offers advanced OCR features to convert scanned documents into searchable PDFs.
The PDF to Word converter from Adobe Acrobat will ensure your converted content will look as expected. Not all PDF to Word tools offer this level of precision, so using a trusted converter is essential.