Adobe Acrobat


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How to use OCR on a PDF online

Follow these steps to use OCR text recognition and easily convert your scanned documents into editable, digitised text:

Multiple files being scanned to create searchable text with OCR with an arrow pointing to a PDF
  1. To get started, click the "Select a file" button above or drag and drop a PDF into the designated drop zone.
  2. If you've chosen "Select a file," browse for the PDF document you want Acrobat to recognise as searchable text.
  3. After uploading, Acrobat will now use OCR technology to recognise the text.
  4. Lastly, you can sign in to download the searchable PDF or get a link to share it.

Experience our online PDF OCR tool

A document file with a red capital An inside showing OCR text recognition

High-quality text recognition features

The Adobe Acrobat online OCR tool ensures high-quality scanning of your documents for text recognition, creating easily searchable PDFs. You can also copy and highlight the recognised text.

A magnifying glass looking for searchable text within a PDF document

Accurately convert PDFs into text

Transform your static PDFs into dynamic, searchable documents with OCR software. Swiftly locate key information with just a word or phrase search.

A representation of how OCR software creates accessible PDF documents

Improve accessibility by extracting text from PDFs

OCR also lets you enhance the accessibility of your PDF files by making document content readable by screen readers thanks to the recognised text.

A browser window with an arrow showing how Acrobat works on any device

You don't need to install any extra software

You can use Adobe Acrobat online tools in any browser, such as Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, without needing to install additional software for the Acrobat online OCR reader.

A shield with a lock in the middle indicating PDF file security

Trustworthy document security and privacy

Adobe builds robust security measures into every PDF created with Acrobat. In addition, Acrobat uses enhanced encryption to keep your data secure when working with files online.

An Adobe Acrobat PDF document using the best OCR reader online

Leverage the best OCR converter online

Adobe invented the PDF file format, so you can trust our OCR technology and the high quality of our PDF tools to deliver accurate information.

Questions about OCR PDF tool? We've got answers.

a text bubble, pencil icon and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

Use Acrobat tools for free

  • Sign in to try 25+ tools, like convert or compress
  • Add comments, fill in forms and sign PDFs for free
  • Store your files online to access from any device

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