Adobe Acrobat

Delete PDF pages

Your files will be securely handled by Adobe servers and deleted unless you sign in to save them. By using this service, you agree to the Adobe Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.(Files are secured using HTTPS w/TLS 1.2 and stored using AES-256 encryption)

How to remove pages from a PDF

Here are the steps to delete pages in a PDF file using the Acrobat online tool:

A document icon with a dustbin icon showing how you can delete PDF pages
  1. Click the "Select a file" button above or drag and drop a PDF into the drop zone.
  2. Choose the document from which you want to remove PDF pages.
  3. After uploading your file, sign in to continue.
  4. Highlight the page thumbnail or thumbnails you want to delete from your PDF.
  5. To delete the selected PDF pages, click the dustbin icon in the top toolbar.
  6. Click "Save" and rename your new PDF file.
  7. Download the file to store it in your desired location or get a link to share it.

Try our free tool to delete pages from a PDF

A PDF with a dustbin icon showing how you can delete PDF pages

Swiftly delete PDF pages

Easily remove pages from a PDF using Adobe Acrobat online services. Upload a PDF document, sign in to continue, and download or share your new file once you’re done.

Multiple pages with a dustbin icon pointing to one page representing using Acrobat to select the pages you wish to remove

Selectively remove pages from PDF files

With Acrobat, you can choose to remove certain pages from your file. After signing in, you can highlight any page thumbnails you want to delete. When you’ve highlighted every page you want to remove, click the dustbin icon in the top toolbar.

Two vertical pages and one horizontal page with an arrow showing how you can reorder and rotate PDF pages

Reorder, rotate, and re-organise PDF pages

Organise your PDFs with Acrobat online. You can also drag and drop pages to reorder them and even rotate PDF pages to portrait or landscape mode.

A PDF file with an arrow being shared with others

Create the perfect PDF with Adobe

Using our delete PDF tool, you can organise and share your file with others. They’ll all see the same content, and you can collect their feedback in one PDF online, too.

A desktop and mobile screen with the Adobe Acrobat logo representing working with PDFs on any device

Simplify working across devices

Whether you’re on your desktop, laptop, or phone, you can use Acrobat online tools to delete pages in PDFs. They work in any browser and operating system, letting you proceed without hassles.

An Acrobat PDF file with a lock showing that you can trust Acrobat PDF tools

A trusted PDF page remover

Work better with Acrobat. Our PDF online tools let you delete pages from a PDF and quickly set up the perfect PDF file.

Questions about how to delete PDF pages? We've got answers.

More resources

a text bubble, pencil icon and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

Use Acrobat tools for free

  • Sign in to try 25+ tools, like convert or compress
  • Add comments, fill in forms and sign PDFs for free
  • Store your files online to access from any device

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