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How to crop PDF pages online

Learn online PDF cropping with Adobe Acrobat:

An icon shows Acrobat's PDF crop online technology used in the crop tool.
  1. Click "Select a file" or drag and drop your files.
  2. Choose the PDF file you want to crop.
  3. Once uploaded, sign in to start cropping.
  4. Acrobat automatically outlines the first PDF page with a rectangular cropping border. Adjust the page size by dragging the border handles.
  5. Select "Crop" to save your cropped file.

Try our PDF cropping tool online for free

An Acrobat PDF file icon with crop tabs around the edges showing how you can crop a PDF

Remove unwanted white margins from PDFs

It’s easy to adjust the visible area of a PDF page. Just drag and drop a file, sign in for free and crop away white margins from your PDF in seconds.

A document icon with crop tabs around the edges showing how you can crop your file to the right size

Crop PDF pages to the right size

Once you sign into your Adobe account, Acrobat will outline the first page of your PDF with a cropping border. You can then resize the crop area by dragging the border handles to your desired size.

Multiple document icons with crop tabs around the edges showing how you can apply cropping to pages

Automate cropping to other pages

If you need uniform cropping of multiple pages, Acrobat can do it quickly. You can apply a cropped area to all the pages in your PDF file or to a set of consecutive PDF pages.

A box representing a cropped PDF with a red arrow pointing to the left showing how you can restore original content

Restore your original content when required

The Acrobat online PDF crop tool hides PDF content but doesn't discard it. If you want to restore the original content, select Reset.

An Acrobat logo on a small desktop icon with a mobile phone icon showing how you can work with PDFs on any platform

Work across devices and platforms

You can use our tools in any web browser, such as Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome. The PDF crop tool also supports most operating systems, such as Mac, Windows, and Linux.

An Acrobat PDF file icon with a small box representing a cropped section of the PDF

Experience the best PDF cropping tool

Adobe invented the PDF file format. So, when you use our Acrobat online tools, you can trust you’ll get the highest quality. Try cropping a PDF file today.

Questions about PDF cropping? We've got answers.

More resources

a text bubble, pencil icon and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

Use Acrobat tools for free

  • Sign in to try 25+ tools, like convert or compress
  • Add comments, fill in forms and sign PDFs for free
  • Store your files online to access from any device

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