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How to compress a PDF file online for free with Adobe Acrobat

Follow these simple steps to compress a large PDF file in seconds:

Three documents in decreasing size showing how to compress a PDF
  1. Click the “Select a file” button above or drag and drop files into the drop zone.
  2. Choose the PDF file you want to shrink.
  3. After uploading, Acrobat will automatically reduce the size of the PDF.
  4. Sign in to download or share your compressed PDF.

Try our PDF compressor tool for free

A file being reduced in size

Reduce PDF file sizes online

The Adobe Acrobat Compress PDF online tool lets you compress PDF files right from your browser. Use our PDF compressor to make large files smaller and easier to share. Try Adobe Acrobat Pro for free for seven days to reduce the size of your PDFs.

A compressed PDF file that can be easily shared

An easy PDF compressor

Drag and drop or upload a PDF document to let Acrobat complete the file size reduction. You can then work with, share or store the compressed file more easily.

An Acrobat PDF with a measurement bar showing you can choose your compression level

Choose your compression level

You can select between High, Medium, and Low-compression. Select High if you want to decrease PDF size to the smallest amount, and Medium or Low if you want to reduce the PDF size but maintain a higher file quality.

An arrow representing how easy it is to share a compressed PDF file

Share files online

By compressing files, you make them much easier to share. If you email a file, the smaller size can help you to avoid email file size limits and uploads are faster too.

An Acrobat PDF with a lock demonstrating file security you can trust

File security you can trust

Security is paramount to Adobe. If you don't sign in or save your file, it will be deleted from our servers to respect your privacy. Security measures are also built into every PDF created with Acrobat.

A high-quality compressed PDF file

Reliable PDF compressor

Adobe invented the PDF format and delivers high-quality online tools. Try our free tool to compress a file in any web browser, including Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Compress different types of PDF files

Image-only PDF or scanned PDF

These PDF files contain images or are created from previously scanned documents. You can use Acrobat to reduce the size of your file and compress PDF to 100kb or less.

Searchable PDF

Certain documents contain text that can be selected, copied, and highlighted once the file is scanned using optical character recognition (OCR) software.

Digitally created or true PDFs

These PDFs contain both images and text, and are created using Microsoft Excel, Word, or PowerPoint.

Questions about PDF compression? We have answers.

More resources

a text bubble, pencil icon and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

Use Acrobat tools for free

  • Sign in to try 25+ tools, like convert or compress
  • Add comments, fill in forms and sign PDFs for free
  • Store your files online to access from any device

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