JPGs and JPEGs are the same. The three-letter file extension was due to the limitations of older versions of Windows and MS-DOS. All file extensions were limited to three characters — today, this is no longer the case.
JPEG compression reduces file size by changing the colour values and blocking together groups of pixels with a more uniform colour, so that it doesn’t have to store as many different ones. While this does decrease the file size, it also alters the true image by changing the colours.
Older iPhones store photos as JPEG files. But since iOS 11, the default file type is now
HEIC. You can change your preferences in the Compatibility settings on the iPhoto app.
Exchangeable image file format or EXIF, is data contained within a JPEG file that provides extra information to the user such as:
- The date and time the image was created
- Camera settings such as make and model, aperture and ISO speed
- A thumbnail for previewing in file managers and on the camera’s LCD screen
- Copyright information
- Geotags to indicate where the photo was taken
You can view the EXIF data in Windows by right-clicking on the photo. Select Properties, then Details and scroll down. To view EXIF data on a Mac, open the image in Photos and choose Get Info.