Add colour to black-and-white photos with the Colourise Neural Filter.

Whether you’re reviving an old family portrait or adding a painterly pop of colour, the Colourise tool automatically chooses the best colours for your black-and-white photo. Adjust global colours, saturation and more — you can even change colours in specific areas of your photo.

How to use the Colourise filter in Photoshop.

1. Layer it

Open your image and duplicate your layer.

2. Colourise it

Choose Neural filters in the Filters menu and select the Colourise option.

3. Adjust it

Fine-tune your colours in the Adjustments options.

A colourised layer on top of a black and white layer of a man skateboarding

Create a new layer.

Get in the habit of creating a new layer before you touch your source image, so you always have the original. Then you can use layer masks to add the right colors to every part of the image.

Black and white photo of a man skateboarding

Remove dust and scratches.

If you’re working on an old photo, you can quickly remove dust flecks and scratches with the Spot Healing brush. Simply adjust your brush size to your spot and click away.

Baby blue background with a white T-shirt of a man skateboarding

Neutralise the colour and adjust the contrast.

If the photo is sepia-toned, add a black-and-white adjustment layer to neutralise the colour and a Levels adjustment layer to fix the contrast.

Everyone can remove objects.

Make unwanted elements vanish.

Adobe Photoshop

Blur. Layer. Colourise. Swap. Combine. Blend.
With Photoshop, everyone can.