Download error "Sign in failed | App Builder


When you download either the developer_viewer.ipa, or, for a built-in single edition app, the process fails. You receive the error "Sign in failed, please try again."

One or more of your built-in folio's articles contain upper-ASCII or other special characters, such as accented characters, ampersands, or parentheses.


Remove any accented characters, such as é, ü, å, and other special characters such as & and ) from the article names in your folio, and the folio name.

  1. In the folio builder panel, select your folio and choose Rename Folio from the panel's pop-up menu.

  2. Rename the folio to use only a-z, A-Z, and 0-9.

  3. For each article, do the following:

    1. In the folio builder panel, select the article and choose Rename Article from the panel's pop-out menu.

    2. Rename the article to use only a-z, A-Z, and 0-9. It's best practice to avoid use of spaces to make cross article navto:// links easier to manage.

    3. Review all of your navto:// links and update them to use the new article names.

    4. With the article selected in the Folio Builder panel, choose Update from the panel pop-up menu.

  4. From the Folio Producer web app, select the folio and click Update.

  5. From the Folio Producer web app, click the Export button to export the updated folio and download it to your local computer.


  6. In the App Builder, select your app and click Edit.


  7. Select the new folio .zip file created in step 5.

  8. Rebuild, then download and sign your app.

Additional information

Adobe is actively pursuing additional solutions to this problem and hopes to address it in a future release.

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