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Separator (v1)

Separator component written in HTL.


  • Allows addition of a horizontal rule element for separating content sections.

Use Object

The Separator component uses the com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models.Separator Sling Model as its Use-object.

Component Policy Configuration Properties

The following configuration properties are used:

  1. ./isDecorative - if set to true, then the separator will be ignored by assistive technology

Edit Dialog Properties

The following properties are written to JCR for this Page component and are expected to be available as Resource properties:

  1. ./id - defines the component HTML ID attribute.
  2. ./isDecorative - if set to true, then the separator will be ignored by assistive technology

BEM Description

BLOCK cmp-separator
    ELEMENT cmp-separator__horizontal-rule
