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PDF Viewer (v1)

PDF Viewer for Adobe Document Cloud component written in HTL.


  • Allows embedding PDF files using the View SDK
  • Configurable features for controlling appearance and functionality.

Use Object

The PDF Viewer component uses the com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models.PdfViewer Sling model as its Use-object.

Context Aware Config

The PDF Viewer component uses the context aware config with the following properties:

  1. clientId - Required - the client key obtained by registering for the view sdk api -
  2. reportSuiteId - Adobe Analytics ID

Edit Dialog Properties

The following properties are written to JCR for this PDF Viewer component and are expected to be available as Resource properties:

  1. ./documentPath - defines the path of the pdf to display
  2. ./type - defines the display type
  3. ./defaultViewMode - defines the display view
  4. ./borderless - true to enable full screen borderless
  5. ./showAnnotationTools - true to enable annotation tools
  6. ./showFullScreen - true to show full screen button
  7. ./showLeftHandPanel - true to display left side panel
  8. ./showDownloadPdf - true to show download button
  9. ./showPrintPdf - true to show print button
  10. ./showPageControls - true to show page controls
  11. ./dockPageControls - true to dock controls to bottom

Client Libraries

The component provides a core.wcm.components.pdfviewer.v1 client library category that contains base CSS styling and JavaScript component. It should be added to a relevant site client library using the embed property.

BEM Description

BLOCK cmp-pdfviewer
    ELEMENT cmp-pdfviewer__content


If you were involved in the authoring of this component and are not credited above, please reach out to us on GitHub.