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Form Options (v2)

Options form field written in HTL.


  • Checkboxes
  • Radio buttons
  • Drop down
  • Multi select drop down

Use Object

The Form Options component uses the com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models.form.Options Sling Model for its Use-object.

Edit Dialog Properties

The following properties are written to JCR for this Form Options component and are expected to be available as Resource properties:

  1. ./type - defines the type of options form; possible values: checkbox, radio, drop-down, multi-drop-down
  2. ./title - defines the title of the form, which is used to describe its role
  3. ./name - defines the name of the field, which will be submitted with the form data
  4. ./source - defines the source of the options; possible values: local, list, datasource
  5. ./listPath - defines the path of a static list for the options, if the source property is set to list
  6. ./datasourceRT - defines the resource type of the datasource, if the source property is set to datasource
  7. ./items - defines the option items, if the source property is set to local
  8. ./helpMessage - defines a help message that can be rendered in the field as a hint for the user
  9. ./id - defines the component HTML ID attribute.

Client Libraries

The component provides a core.wcm.components.form.options.v2.editor editor client library category that includes CSS for dialog style adjustments. It is already included by its edit dialog.

BEM Description

BLOCK cmp-form-options
    ELEMENT cmp-form-options__legend
    ELEMENT cmp-form-options__field-label
    ELEMENT cmp-form-options__field
        MOD cmp-form-options__field--checkbox
        MOD cmp-form-options__field--radio
    ELEMENT cmp-form-options__field-description
    ELEMENT cmp-form-options__label
    ELEMENT cmp-form-options__drop-down-field
    ELEMENT cmp-form-options__multi-drop-down-field
    ELEMENT cmp-form-options__help-message
