Content Fragment List component written in HTL that renders a list of Content Fragments. Useful for authoring headless content that can be easily consumed by applications.
- Displays a list of a Content Fragment assets based on a Content Fragment model
- The parent path for asset lookup is configurable
- The list can be filtered by tag
- The list can be ordered by an element or property - ascending or descending
- A subset of elements in the data model can be displayed
The Content Fragment List component uses the com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models.contentfragment.ContentFragmentList
Sling model as its Use-object.
The following properties are written to JCR for the Content Fragment List component and are expected to be available as Resource
- path to the Content Fragment Model on which the list is based../parentPath
- parent path from which the list should be built../tagNames
- tag names for filtering the list../orderBy
- an element or property to order the list by../sortOrder
- sort order ascending or descending../maxItems
- defines the maximum number of items rendered by the list. If not defined, all fragments matching the query criteria are returned../elementNames
- element names for limiting the model data displayed in the result../id
- defines the component HTML ID attribute.
The component provides a core.wcm.components.contentfragmentlist.v1.editor
editor client library category that includes JavaScript
handling for dialog interaction. It is already included by its edit dialog.
BLOCK cmp-contentfragmentlist
- Vendor: Adobe
- Version: v1
- Compatibility: AEM 6.3
- Status: production-ready
- Documentation:
- Component Library: