Content Fragment component written in HTL that displays the elements of a Content Fragment or a selection thereof.
- Displays the elements of a Content Fragment as an HTML description list
- By default renders all elements of a Content Fragment
- Can be configured to render a subset of the elements in a specific order
- Alternative Content Fragment variations are configurable
The Content Fragment component uses the com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models.contentfragment.ContentFragment
Sling model as its Use-object.
The following JCR properties are used:
- defines the path to the Content Fragment to be rendered./variationName
- defines the variation to use to render the elements (optional: if not present, the master variation is used)./elementNames
- multi-valued property defining the elements to be rendered and in which order (optional: if not present, all elements are rendered)./paragraphScope
- defines if all or a range of paragraphs are to be rendered (only used in paragraph mode)./paragraphRange
- defines the range(s) of paragraphs to be rendered (only used in paragraph mode and if paragraphs are restricted to ranges)./paragraphHeadings
- defines if headings should count as paragraphs (only used in paragraph mode and if paragraphs are restricted to ranges)./id
- defines the component HTML ID attribute.
BLOCK cmp-contentfragment
MOD cmp-contentfragment--<name>
ELEMENT cmp-contentfragment__title
ELEMENT cmp-contentfragment__description
ELEMENT cmp-contentfragment__elements
ELEMENT cmp-contentfragment__element
MOD cmp-contentfragment__element--<name>
ELEMENT cmp-contentfragment__element-title
ELEMENT cmp-contentfragment__element-value
- Vendor: Adobe
- Version: v1
- Compatibility: AEM 6.3
- Status: production-ready
- Documentation:
- Component Library: