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Breadcrumb (v2)

Breadcrumb component written in HTL.


  • Start level
  • Option to show hidden navigation items
  • Exclude the current page from the breadcrumb

Use Object

The Breadcrumb component uses the com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models.Breadcrumb Sling model as its Use-object.

Component Policy Configuration Properties

The following configuration properties are used:

  1. ./startLevel - the level at which to start the breadcrumb: 0 = /content, 1 = /content/site, etc.
  2. ./showHidden - if true, show navigation items hidden via a ./hideInNav property in the breadcrumb.
  3. ./hideCurrent - if true, don't display the current page in the breadcrumb.
  4. ./disableShadowing - for redirecting pages PageA -> PageB. If true - PageA(original page) is shown. If false or not configured - PageB(target page).

Edit Dialog Properties

The following properties are written to JCR for this Breadcrumb component and are expected to be available as Resource properties:

  1. ./startLevel - the level at which to start the breadcrumb: 0 = /content, 1 = /content/site, etc.
  2. ./showHidden - if true, show navigation items hidden via a ./hideInNav property in the breadcrumb.
  3. ./hideCurrent - if true, don't display the current page in the breadcrumb.
  4. ./disableShadowing - for redirecting pages PageA -> PageB. If true - PageA(original page) is shown. If false or not configured - PageB(target page).
  5. ./id - defines the component HTML ID attribute.

Client Libraries

The component provides a core.wcm.components.breadcrumb.v2 client library category that contains a recommended base CSS styling. It should be added to a relevant site client library using the embed property.

BEM description

BLOCK cmp-breadcrumb
    ELEMENT cmp-breadcrumb__list
    ELEMENT cmp-breadcrumb__item
        MOD cmp-breadcrumb__item--active
    ELEMENT cmp-breadcrumb__item-link
