
Title can be used to create headings for a page or page sections.



Default title without any configuration. The title is then taken from the current page, taking the Page Title if it has been set, and taking the main page Title otherwise. The default heading level is H1, which can be configured at page template level.


  1. sling:resourceType: core-components-examples/components/title

Title Text

The title text can be provided rather than the default of taking the title from the current page.

Lorem Ipsum

  1. jcr:title: Lorem Ipsum
  2. sling:resourceType: core-components-examples/components/title

Heading Type

The heading size can be configured (H1-H6).

Heading 3

  1. jcr:title: Heading 3
  2. type: h3
  3. sling:resourceType: core-components-examples/components/title


Titles can be linked to internal relative AEM resources, external absolute URLs or page anchors.

  1. linkURL: /content/core-components-examples/library/core-content/title
  2. linkTarget: _blank
  3. sling:resourceType: core-components-examples/components/title

Link Label and Title

When linked, there's the additional possibility to provide a Title Attribute and/or a Accessibility Label to the link.

  1. linkTitleAttribute: This is the title attribute
  2. linkURL: /content/core-components-examples/library/core-content/title
  3. linkAccessibilityLabel: This is the accessibility label
  4. sling:resourceType: core-components-examples/components/title