Publishing a Page

Once you have finished editing your page you will want to publish (or activate) your page so that it is available to visitors to your website.

Further Actions

After the basic steps there are many other actions you can use when authoring.

Copying a Page

It is sometimes easier to copy a page and re-use the content rather than creating everything from scratch again.

Moving or Renaming a Page

Moving and renaming pages is basically done with the same action.

Unpublishing a Page

To make previously published (or activated) content unavailable on your public website, you unpublish (or deactivate) the page.

Deleting a Page

If a page is no longer needed you might want to delete the page.

Setting the Page Properties

Every page has properties that you can define to determine aspects of its operation. These can be updated with either UI.

Creating a Version of a Page

You can create a version of a page and then revert to a version if necessary.

More Information

Access to more information about authoring can be found under Page Authoring.

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