Applying Your Closed User Group To Content Pages

To apply the CUG to a page, or pages:

  1. Navigate to the root page of the restricted section you want to assign to your CUG.

  2. Select the page by clicking on its thumbnail and then selecting Properties in the top toolbar.


  3. In the following window, open the Advanced tab.

  4. Scroll down to the Authentication Requirement section.

    1. Activate the Enable tickbox.

    2. Add the path to your Login Page.
      This is optional, if left blank the standard login page is used.

    CUG added

  5. Next, go to the Permissions tab and select Edit Closed User Group.


    CUGs in the Permissions tab cannot be rolled out to Live Copies from Blueprints. Plan around this when configuring Live Copy.
    For more information, see Closed User Groups in AEM - Livecopy.
  6. The Edit Closed User Group dialog opens. Here you can search for, and select, your CUG, then confirm the group selection with Save.

    The group will be added to the list; for example, the group cug_access.

    CUG added

  7. Confirm the changes with Save & Close.

See Identity Management for information about profiles in the publish environment and providing forms for logging in and out.