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Managing subscriptions
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Sign in
You need to sign-in to be able to use subscription features and to be able to:
Access free features that leverage online services.
Access advanced features which are part of your subscription services.
Get your files automatically saved on Adobe cloud storage to protect your work and access the files from any device.
Automatically sign-in to both Acrobat and Adobe Scan.
You can sign in to Adobe cloud storage with an Adobe ID, Google/Facebook/Apple IDs, or a supported enterprise credential.
Open the app.
Choose one of the following sign-in options:
Tap a 3rd party sign in option: Google, Facebook, or Apple.
Tap Sign in to use your Adobe ID, then enter your email address and password.
Tap Sign up to create a new Adobe ID.

Sign in with a company or school ID
If you have a single login credential, you see one set of screens. However, if you are part of an organization and have another ID, you may be prompted to choose between a personal or company ID. If so, select an account and log in with the credential associated with that account.

Sign out
Signing out disables access to subscription services as well as online documents and workflows.
To sign out, tap > Sign out.