How to track the consumption of Adobe Sign premium authentication resources
Track the consumption of Adobe Sign premium authentication resources
Applies to: Adobe Acrobat Sign
某些 Creative Cloud 应用程序、服务和功能在中国不可用。
Accounts that use premium identity authentication (Phone, KBA, and Government ID) can review the number of transactions available and consumed via the account-level admin settings menu.
Account-level administrators in the Adobe Sign system can review the number of premium authentication transactions available and consumed for the account via the account-level admin menu interface.
To access the annual quota and current usage:
Log in to an Adobe Sign account-level user
Identity authentication transactions are an account-level resource. Group-level admins do not have access to the usage reports
Each premium authentication method has a Track Usage link next to the method name.
Clicking that link exposes a pop-out window containing the annual volume allowed, the effective anniversary date for that annual value, and the current usage thus far: