
Editable free research poster templates.

Explore our research poster templates to help you easily create your own design online in minutes. Then, get it professionally printed and delivered straight to your door (US and UK Adobe Express desktop users only).

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Bring your idea to life with research poster templates from Adobe Express.

Capturing your audience’s attention and drawing their interest are some of the persistent challenges that researchers and academics face. How do you get them to care about your research enough to find out more and prompt discussion? A striking research poster helps convey important information in an engaging and easily digestible manner. With fully customizable research poster templates from Adobe Express, you can make impressive research posters that showcase your findings in an easily digestible format. 

If you have an idea in mind, you can begin from scratch or choose from our wide array of research poster templates to fast-track the design process. Upload your brand assets like logo, fonts, color schemes, and image assets to the online editor to make your research poster template feel entirely authentic. Make your own research poster template pop with thousands of icons, graphics, color palettes, and fonts to choose from. You can even upload your own media if you’d like. When you’re finished, download and share anywhere or invite others to collaborate on your research poster. Go back anytime to make updates as needed.