
Editable free movie poster templates.

Explore our movie poster templates to help you easily create your own design online in minutes. Then, get it professionally printed and delivered straight to your door (US and UK Adobe Express desktop users only).

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Bring your idea to life with movie poster templates from Adobe Express.

Movie posters are an extension of movies themselves. A well-designed movie poster, like a book cover, tells a story and gives your audience glimpse into what your film is all about, as well as provide important information like the release date and starring cast members. It also promotes your film and lets your audience learn more about the genre or aesthetic of your cinematic piece at a glance. With the help of the Adobe Express online editor, you can make amazing promotional materials that'll excite motion-picture fans to see your film on the big screen in just a few taps.

Start inspired with thousands of free, professionally designed movie poster templates you can fully customize right from your browser. Save time and effort with customizable movie poster templates or search by color, niche, industry, and aesthetic to find just what you need for your project. Make your own movie poster template pop with thousands of icons, graphics, color palettes, and fonts to choose from. You can even upload your own media if you'd like. Duplicate your design and go back anytime to make updates. Or, share it with team members and co-edit your project anywhere, whether you're a room or continent away.