
Editable free Christmas invitation templates.

Explore our Christmas invitation templates to create your design in minutes. Then, get it professionally printed and delivered straight to your door (US and UK Adobe Express desktop users only).

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Bring your idea to life with Christmas invitation templates from Adobe Express.

Holidays are definitely best spent with the people you love. Get all your family and friends excited for this year’s gathering by sending out creatively designed invites. Choose and customize a Christmas invitation template from Adobe Express to have everyone looking forward to a jingle bell rocking time at your party. With dozens of free Christmas invitation templates, you won’t need to bother elves to design holiday invites for you.

Browse through the Adobe Express library to find a free Christmas invitation template that matches your theme. Whether you’re hosting a traditional Christmas dinner or throwing a whimsical party, there are plenty of Christmas invitation templates you can choose from. Once you’ve found the perfect template, use drag-and-drop tools to edit texts, modify layouts, change colors, and add other details. Save and download your project for printing or send them directly to your guests online.