
Editable free Chinese New Year card templates.

Explore our Chinese New Year card templates to help you easily create your own design online in minutes. Then, get it professionally printed and delivered straight to your door (US and UK Adobe Express desktop users only).

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Bring your idea to life with Chinese New Year card templates from Adobe Express.

Xin Nian Kuai Le. It’s time to light the fireworks and ring in the Chinese New Year. Create custom Chinese New Year greeting cards, social graphics, party or dinner invitations, event flyers, and more with the help of Adobe Express. Adobe Express makes it easy to get into the festive spirit with stunning content and designs. Be the host with the most custom Chinese New Year party invitations, decorations, red paper cuttings, or envelopes made with Adobe Express. There are endless opportunities to wish health, wealth, and happiness to all your loved ones this new year.

Explore and choose from our wide selection of Chinese New Year card template designs of all styles to kickstart your project. After you’ve found one you like, you can edit every element of your Chinese New Year card template in the online editor. Make your own Chinese New Year card template pop with thousands of icons, graphics, color palettes, and fonts to choose from. You can even upload your own media if you’d like. Save your new Chinese New Year card template design to print or share to any digital destination. Go back and make edits anytime as needed.